Oct 2022 Bangkok DiNapoli Masterclass - The Best one Yet!

dinapoli masterclass Nov 09, 2022



It has been a few weeks since we concluded the OCT 2022 DiNapoli Masterclass, in Bangkok Thailand.

I still find myself reminiscing on the good times, trade discussions, Live Trading, Lessons/Insights, and the camaraderie that we are all fortunate enough to develop over 4 Days of Total Immersion, into the world of DiNapoli Trading.

I've always felt that for DiNapoli Traders, Private Seminars are important milestones in one's trading journey, where important lessons, connections and memories are made - which is why I've placed great emphasis. care and respect, whenever I am a part of these events.

I firmly believe we are nurturing and training the next generation of DiNapoli Traders, and I do not take this Responsibility lightly. The truth is I take pride in knowing that with each Masterclass,  I have given absolutely everything to support attendees in their journey with dinapoli levels.


I'd like to take a moment here to share alittle more about the DiNapoli Masterclass.

 ( 4 Day Combined Standard & Advance Seminar )

These Private Seminar events have always been Special... ( I say this from my perspective as a student, and now as a teacher/coach )

The focus for the 2 Day Standard P-sem is on making sure clients develop a strong framework from which they can operate, fall back on, when they approach trading using DiNapoli Techniques.

The Primary focus is to structure your thinking.

We cover all aspects of the DiNapoli Trading Methodology, beginning with the review of core concepts from the book, directional patterns, DiNapoli retracement and expansion analysis, before transitioning to new DiNapoli Concepts that are not taught in the book...

We work through hands on exercises together, to make sure that every attendee understands all the DiNapoli Concepts, but also where each of these concepts fit in within our DiNapoli Trading Approach.

Typically at the end of the 2 Day Standard P-sem, Clients leave with a strong theoretical understanding and framework - and they go back, review their notes, practice, apply....  before returning for an advance Private Seminar a couple of years later, where they participate in a live trading environment with Joe DiNapoli, with the experience to back them up.

This model works - and definitely has its advantages.

However, having been part of many such P-sem events - I felt that for many first time standard P-sem attendees, it would benefit them greatly if they could have the option to immediately be part of the advance Live trading P-sem, when the theoretical framework and knowledge are still FRESH in their minds.

The time Lag between ( sometimes spanning over several years ), between acquiring the theoretical framework, and being part of live trading environment, can be both an advantage and disadvantage.

For some clients - attending both the standard and advance together back to back, can be a huge advantage - and leaves them with a much stronger footing...


So I recall ( back around 2019 ), I approached Joe DiNapoli over dinner, with this Theory :

'Joe, why not we consider doing back to back Standard & advance Private Seminars'

This gives Newer guys the opportunity to be part of an immersive DiNapoli Trading experience that combines 2 Days of Theory/Lectures, and than top that off with 2 Days of active Live Trading ( Practical application ), and also gives the experienced traders an option for a refresher.

Joe : Thats a Great Idea!

So the Idea for the DiNapoli Masterclass was first seeded back than in 2019.

And here is the funniest part of this story.

COVID 19 hit us....

The First DiNapoli Masterclass that was scheduled for March 2020, was cancelled.

I remember thinking : What are the odds of this happening? 

Just when we were trying to roll out a new idea, international travel was put on hold for the large part of over 2 + years...

So we never had the chance to test out this idea.

We only managed to do so in 2022. with the first combined Masterclass event back in May 2022 ( out from Joe's Trading room ), and more recently, my envisaged vision for a larger scale Masterclass event in Oct 2022.

It is incredibly satisfying to finally turn that thought/idea into fruition.

After doing 2 such events this year, and interacting with attendees,

I sincerely believe that, this NEW FORMAT ( Combined Standard & Advance Psems ), offers a whole NEW EXPERIENCE, with the potential to provide the maximum benefit to one's learning curve, and journey with DiNapoli Levels.

Attendees can expect not only a much improved Learning experience, but also do so, in a much shorter period of time...

It is early days - but I believe we have raised the bar and established a NEW STANDARD for all future Private Seminars...


HERE are Live feedback ( at the event ) from DiNapoli Masterclass attendees.


And below are some nice memories from the event :

2 Day Standard :

Discussing DiNapoli Trading Framework

Discussing DiNapoli Trading Framework


Nailing Down the Specifics


Testing attendee's understanding of key concepts



Hands on application and practice :

Joe DiNapoli sharing his New Stock Trading Plan :


2 Day Advance Live Trading P-sem :





Sharing some nice moments after the Seminars :



Big Thank you to everyone involved in the 2022 Oct DiNapoli Masterclass.

It is always such a pleasure, organizing these events and working with you guys. 

At the end of the day, the biggest motivation in running these event, is the opportunity to serve.

Knowing that we have played a positive part in your journey with DiNapoli Trading, is incredibly satisfying, and a great privilege.


Until the next time.

Until than, we look forward to hearing more about your trading exploits, and success!


Joseph AuXano & the DiNapoli Trading Team

DiNapoli Trading Academy

 P.S. Next Masterclass scheduled for late May 2023.



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